No fees or charges are payable for any aspect of our Services
Pilbara Community Legal Service Inc. is a free service that provides legal and related services to the public, focusing on people with needs.
Our service extends to legal assistance in relation to criminal injuries compensation, family law, family violence matters, wills and estates. Importantly, we also provide information and referral services to our clients when we are unable to assist clients on an ongoing basis. In combination, our delivery of legal services ensures that our clients have access to justice and other appropriate services on an ongoing basis.
The services we provide include :
The services provided are delivered throughout the Pilbara region including isolated communities such as Marble Bar, Nullagine, Jigalong with occasional visits to Onslow, Tom Price and Paraburdoo.
All our services are supported by a Full- time Chief Executive Officer and two Administration Officers and all our staff are responsible to a voluntary Board of Management.
Please contact one of our offices for assistance and how we can be of service to you.